Monday, August 10, 2009

Give him time

Ok, so it has been some time since I posted anything regarding Obama. Life has been a bit crazy, but now I seem to want to write.

The 'Right' needs to stop their craziness. Please give this man and his administration time to fix what has been done to the country over eight years. He is going to make mistakes, but at least he admits to them. I do not agree with all that has been done to try to fix the economy, but I still have faith in this man.

I am going to read and research the healthcare issue. I have not had time to really delve into the plan, but what I keep hearing is that if you currently have insurance, through your employer, keep it. Those who choose to keep that insurance will not be penalized, nor will they be taxed on that as income. But, I will need to do some research to fully understand the plan.

The economy, wow! There seems to be some issues about the companies who received the 'bailouts' are using taxpayer money to award bonuses to their executives. Again, I believe those companies have already paid back the government's money. But, I will look for some information on that issue.

I must stop and get my day going, but I will begin looking into what has been happening and draw my own conclusions as to how well this President is doing and not listen to hearsay.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

President-Elect Barack Obama

As we began to watch the election coverage, I was scared.  I was worried that the American people would not vote for a black man.  I lost faith.  But WE did it!  The American people decided that change was necessary.  The American people voted for hope, change and for the right man.

As I watched the news coverage, I witnessed something rare, as of late.  We have confidence that this man will help bring change to America.  We have confidence that this man will have a group of advisors who will help guide him over the next few years, to help America get back to where it once was before the Bush Administration.  We, the American people, have hope that we will be seen as peace makers and not aggressors.  

The expressions on the faces of both blacks and whites, latinos and asian, or just plain American's was amazing.  I saw the dreams of many people come true, to see a black man as the President of the United States.

I am so proud!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Sean Hannity and the scary Ayers Scandal

It has taken me several days to review the Ayers Scandal and why there was so much commotion and speculation regarding Ayers and his relationship with Obama. I ended up searching to see if I could find what Sean Hannity was talking about on his radio show earlier this week.  Hannity was playing a taped interview, from April 12, 2002, of Bill Ayers and comparing Ayers views to some of Obama's speeches and interviews.  I was unable to find this subject on his website, and I was unable to find it on the Fox News website.  I am really not savvy with websites yet, but I wanted to find it there, because Fox News is "fair and balanced".  In any event, I located the tape. 

The YouTube tape was edited and cut in many ways, but the basic theme was to show the listeners how Ayers' leftist, Marxist, and anarchist views are the same as Obama's.  On this particular version of Bill Ayers speaking in 2002, they showed an agenda from a symposium or conference that both men attended.  On the agenda it clearly states that Barack Obama and Bill Ayers not only attended, but that they were part of the discussion group.  By the way, this event was co-sponsored by The Center for Public Intellectuals and the University of Illinois, Chicago.  Please feel free to review the agenda, as I have a link to it.  It clearly spells out what was to take place at this event.  In addition, Ayers and Obama were not the only people in attendance.  The list of other attendees looks like a who's who of Law, Medicine and policy makers within the Chicago area.

The YouTube video is the same format as what was on Hannity's show.  However, I was able to pause and take notes of what both men have said in the past.  The tape stated that Obama and Ayers were on the Woods Fund of Chicago Board together.  We know that, and that is how they met.  The tape went on to say that Obama and Ayers were at 4 Board of Directors meetings together.  The first thought that came to my mind was....were they carpooling?  Of course they were at Board meeting together.  I am proud that they took their community service seriously by taking the time to attend the meetings.  I am not sure how that is related to Ayers political beliefs.  But they wanted you to know that they attended these meetings together, because it is part of their 'palling around' scenario.

The next subject was on Ayers' view on crime.  As a self-proclaimed anarchist, he does not feel that the drug laws apply to him.  This is what he said:

"We create felons by having these archaic, puritan drug laws, that make no sense what-so-ever, in any logical way.  So in that sense, I still feel like an anarchist.  I don't feel that the rules apply and if they don't apply, I don't feel like you should follow them."

Now, this is what they used from Obama:

"...non-violent drug offenders, which has been the fastest growing category, should be treated as part of a public health problem, and that opportunity for us to use drug court and other diversion strategies....not sending to jail..."

You see, it was edited quite a bit.  But, what I took from this is that our jail system is at capacity and if we can take non-violent drug offenders out of jail and get them help, maybe we help solve some problems.  I did not see where he stated that we should just all have a party and break the rules.  We have diversion for drunk drivers, why not non-violent drug offenders?

The next subject was on PATRIOTISM.  This is a big subject with McCain.  Is Obama a PATRIOT?  How can he be if he is hanging out with DOMESTIC TERRIORISTS???  For heaven's sake, because he won't wear a pin?  Because he has had a past business/civic relationship with a leftist radical from the 60's, who is now a well-respected college professor? Instead of wearing a pin, like a coat of armour, he felt that his actions of patriotism should speak for themselves.  We see so many pins, the American Flag, a red ribbon, pink ribbon, a blue ribbon, a purple ribbon, a puzzle piece, and so on.  A superficial act of wearing a flag pin does not change my opinion one way or another.  His actions on behalf of his state, city and country are what matter to me.

They tried to tie Obama to Marxism by his believe of "spreading the wealth".  The have the brief meeting with Obama and "Joe the Plumber".  First, if he can afford to purchase a company that makes $250K, he is not just a plumber.  Also, has he not heard of net income versus gross income?  Why do you think you take your benefit payments out pre-tax?  Also, with being self-employed, you are allowed to take deductions.  Idiot.  If I make $50K net and another makes $250K net, their 30% is not as much of a burden as my 30%, at least you hope not.  In any event, he is not a Marxist.  He is just trying to help the middle class and have the upper class, 5% of them, pay more.  If I were to make that much money, I would certainly not balk at it.  

The last subject is on the racial divide in this country.   The tape elluded to Rodney King, LA Riots, Katrina, and frankly the racial divide.  We have it, it still exists.  I am angered by it.  I was raised in an area that did not have much diversity.  Our family welcomed all types of people into our lives.  My father was really the one who was my role model regarding judging people or not judging people based on their belief system.  I never heard him, nor my mother, say anything inappropriate.  The "n" word was never spoken to me.  I don't think I knew what it was until the Alex Haley TV movie "Roots".  My history lesson will come later, because it is a long one on acceptance.

Suffice it to say, I did not see a parallel with what Ayers stated and what Obama stated.  I believe Obama is his own person and should be judged for what he says, not what someone else has said.  I still believe he is the right person for the job of The President of the United States.  I believe he will do right by all of America.

Go Obama

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell, Another Republican Endorses OBAMA

Colin Powell just endorsed Barack Obama!!!  I am so proud!!!!  

As a registered Republican, I agree with why he chose to break with his party and vote for the person he feels is the best to lead this country.  I happen to agree.  John McCain has changed in many ways, that I do not feel he is the right person.  Although I am a woman, I cannot vote for the wrong woman.  Sarah Palin is not the woman I would want to represent the female population in the USA. 

I told this story before, but does anyone remember when the Negro Baseball players where in the early stages of integration?  Satchel Paige was, by far, a better player than Jackie Robinson.  However, Jackie Robinson had one major component going for him, he was educated.  The men who chose Jackie over Satchel made the right choice for the successful integration of black baseball players for the Majors.  Had they brought Satchel in first, who knows what would have happened.  Satchel was a bit, according to the books we have regarding the Negro Leagues, let's say a Party Boy.  They already had Cobb and Ruth, they did not need another heavy drinker. This is why the powers that be need to make sure if they are going to make a huge leap, such as bringing on a female Republican for the VP slot, make sure it is the right leap. 

Sarah Palin is not the right woman for the position.  Those who know me, know that I do not feel that Hillary was the right choice either.  But, she does have more experience than Palin. But, I have never like the Clintons, not one bit.  Who would be the right woman?  I believe there are plenty of experienced women on the Republican side that would have been honored to fight with John McCain, but they chose her.  BIG MISTAKE!

I hope those undecided voters look into their hearts and minds and choose Obama.  We cannot get over confident, everyone needs to vote!  I am trying to spread the word in my VERY REPUBLICAN state, and some just won't listen.  But for those who do or will listen, OBAMA is the way to go.  Have faith that this calm, rational and very smart man will lead the USA back to being the greatest country!


Thursday, October 16, 2008

McCain Supporters try to spead more lies about Obama

AGH!  I just received an email from one of my son's classmate's parents.  I was going to respond to her, but it seems as though it is a lost cause, but I did send her a link.:)  However, I feel it necessary to discuss what was in her email.  

In this email, she writes that we should not listen to 'hearsay' but to Obama's own words;
1.  He won't wear a flag lapel pin
2.  He won't cover his heart during the Pledge or National Anthem
3.  He stayed in his church, listening to his preacher 

She asks for us to listen to his own words on youtube links.  Sure, on youtube you always get the absolute truth, because everything on the Internet is factual.  The main point of her email is that Obama sat in his family's church for 20 years listening to a preacher who preaches hatred toward America, among other black issues I am sure. Being a white woman, I am not privy to all of their issues, thankfully.  However, I am not surprised that an elderly (if you will) black man preaching hatred in his black church is unusual.  Because our country has been so accepting of Black Americans.  Our country has shown such great support of people who are 'different'.   Are you kidding me?  How about the churches who condemn the Jews, the Muslims, Buddists, or anyone who does not believe that Christ is their Savior?  How about those Priests who abused children, and their Catholic Leaders not only ignored it, but covered it up?!   

So he had a minister who spoke ill of America; so he said he never heard those things, and then he said he had heard them.  Remember when it got really bad during the primary, Obama came out and talked to the American people?  Do you remember?  It was the first time I heard a political candidate talk to the American people as if we were adults.  I appreciated the time it took him to boot his minister.  He did not make this a political act, if it were to be a political act, he would have booted the man from his life much sooner.  Instead, he waited it out and pondered the decision HE had to make with his wife and children.  It was a difficult personal decision, and frankly the right one in my opinion.  So can we drop this discussion?

Ayers, whatever!!!!  Again, let this one go!  Is Ayers a nut job?  I don't know, I have not heard him speak.  Did he do something wrong in the 1960's?  I don't know, but I am not voting for him.  I did find out that he was prosecuted by a man named William C. Ibershof.  Ayers did not get convicted, and evidently neither did any other Weather Underground people.  As I was researching this, I learned of the quote Ayers apparently made regarding 9/11.  According to the NY Times piece, Ayers stated, "I don't regret setting the bombs.  I feel we did not do enough."  Now, I would like to hear him say that or acknowledge he said that to a reporter, because I do not believe everything I read.  In addition, all I have heard from the Right is that Ayers stated that on 9/11 "THEY" did not do enough, inferring he was talking about the real terrorists on 9/11.

Do I agree with this man, if it is true about his bombings?  No.  Again, I have not heard him say he did these horrible things.  If he did do these horrible things back in the 60's, does it affect me?  No.  Is what he did during that turbulent time going to sway my decision?  No.  Why?  Because Obama is not William Ayers.  He just happened to be on a Board with him.  Obama was using his relationships with many people in Chicago to jump start his political career.  Who cares!  Oh, by the way did you know that Mayor Richard M. Daley is a great supporter of Mr. Ayers?

Mayor Daley appointed Ayers as the Assistant Deputy Mayor for Education in the early 1990's. Then, Mayor Daley awarded him with the Citizen of the Year in the late 1990's.  How can a crazy leftist radical be supported by Mayor Daley, even though he is a Democrat?  hmm..    Is it because he changed his views or behaviors?  Is it because he felt helping children get an education was more important than blowing up Government buildings?  Who knows, the man has not talked!!!  Please McCain people let it go.

I want a President who inspires me.  I want a President who acts like an ADULT.  I want a President who will get this country back!  I want a President who will think about what issues we are facing and decide which ones are of the utmost importance to fix!  I want a President with a plan.

I have not seen the whole Debate yet.  I will be watching it and will post again soon!

Go Obama!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I decided to begin this blog with only a few weeks to go until Election Day.  Yes, I am a born and raised Republican.  But as my husband, who is an Independent, tells it...I am a Reagan Republican.  I believe in fiscal responsibility on behalf of our government, but each his own.  I have many beliefs that seemingly sway toward the left, but I am fiscally conservative. I do not see why, how someone lives their life is the business of the government.  I do not believe, we, heterosexuals have a monopoly on the term marriage.  I am licensed through the state of Missouri to be married, and the state calls it a marriage, but where is the separation of church and state?  So, let it go!  

Now, on to Obama.  I have been researching him for 2 years.  I have read about his upbringing, his education, his reputation and as of late, his associations.  I am the daughter of a lawyer; and his firm, his practice and even I have had associations with people who make different life choices.  This country is based on the ability to make those choices, and some have dire consequences, some don't.  McCain feels that Obama's association with the Rev and a 60's radical is a poor choice.  Frankly, McCain has made poor choices in associates as well.  Those in glass houses.......need I say more.

I am supporting Obama for several reasons.  Here is my list:

1.  He is Presidential, and that is important on the World Wide Stage
2.  His plans (health care, economy, and the war) are precise, as they can be, and I can understand them
3.  He handles adversity well, with a gentle calm
4.  He thinks before he speaks
5.  He does not react recklessly when faced with difficult situations, instead he thinks, ponders and then decides what he will do
6.  He is not so tainted by our government, that he is easily swayed
7.  He has a great group of Advisors 
8.  He acknowledges his weak areas and fills those with people who are strong in said areas
9.  He is not a 'Bushy'

The last one is of utmost importance to me.  I voted for W the first time and realized what a mistake it was, that I voted for a Democrat the second time around!   I am a Registered Republican in a VERY Republican state, and having my bumper sticker supporting Obama is a challenge.  But, when faced with arguments from friends and associates, I go to both sites and read.  I watch everything I can on both sides to make sure I am making a sound decision.  After watching Obama yesterday and McCain today, I am sure Obama is the right choice for me and this country!